Candyce Adkins *Jody Drezner Alperin *Wayne Bennett
*Sheldon Best * Megan Bowden *Pat Bowie * Thomas Brazzle *Molly Camp
*Marcus Cordaro Camoosa*Robyn Carson
*Gwendolyn E. Collins*Eisa Davis*Jason Dirden
*Harris Erdman*Gwynn Fulcher*Lesley Green
Pat and Bob Guard*Deirdre Hanbury*Carol Hager
Alan Harris*Sameerah Lumaan Harris
Kathryn Slining Haynes*Merry and Michael Henry*Isabel Ingram
*Edna Johnson*Kimberly Johnson*Nike Kadri*Gary Kenney
*John & Wendy Kenney
*Philip Kenney and Cherie*Carol Maillard*Lucile Mallard
Nikiya Mathis*Jennifer Morrissy*Doris Johnson Myers
Dee Nelson*Palmisano-Mull Funeral Home
Betty Pearson*Karen Perry *Adriana Rossetto
*Holly Salatel*Veronica Shultz
*Marshall Stackman*Adam & Michelle Welsh
Alex West*Princess J. White*Cynthia Robinson & Cezar Williams
*Charlie Williams, Jr.*Sarah Williams*Ted K. Williams
It is with great pleasure that
QSTC announces that they have been included in the inaugural
list of Black Theatres
to receive the support of
The Black Seed Fund.
*Supporters who are gone
but not forgotten.
mercurial mates
Keith Josef Adkins*Corey Allen*Ezra Barnes
*JesseBerger*Keith and Tinashe Bolden
Pearl Cleage*JimonnCole*D'Amico Family*Randall Danson
*Marcia DeBonis*Phyllis DeVito
Roy & Frances Dexheimer*Harris Erdman
*Linda Fernandez*Kevin Free
Peter Flynn*Rick Foucheux*Chris Garnish*Donnetta L. Grays
*Cindy Hall *Melissa House*Birgit Huppuch*Brooke Ishibashi
*James L James*Rema Webb-Johnson* Bianca Laverne Jones
*Jennifer Kenney *Joyce Kenney *Toole and Toole Attorneys
*Paul E. Kirsch*Carol Maillard*
Erica Mann*Mandi Masden*Elizabeth Milewski
*Mary Missett*Nafeesa Monroe*Sipiwe Moyo
*Edward O’Blenis*Shirley O. & Brenda J. *John and Yvonne Parrott
*Flor De Liz Perez
Catherine Powers*Leslie Radin*Deborah Rideout*
Conchita Salin*Amy Schwartz*Scott Schwartz*Michelle Shay*Leslie Silva
Jaime Smith*Barbara L. Springstead*Eleanor Sterns*Stan & Kathy Szostak
*Bret Torbeck*Margene L Tuxill
*Greg Van Horn*Channie Waites*Michelle Welsh
*Chris Woodworth*Gabra Zackman
elemental allies
Joniece Abbott-Pratt*John R Allen and Steven Kane*
Pascale Armand*Inga Ballard*Gregory Barnard
*Susan Booth * Mike Bulger *William Carden
*Laurel H. Carney & David A. Cameron
Danielle Clair*Lillian Collins & Family*Pat and Emily Collins-Kenas
Deborah Cooke*Paul Deboy*Joyce and Michael DeVito
*Ethan Dubin*Finger Lakes Partners Insurance
*Matthew Frey*Kathleen Fowkes*Sarah Hanson
Nathan Harvey*Joyce Henderson*Val Henderson
Sharon Hope*Carolyn Kenney*DeAnn Kenney
*Kevin & Jordan Kilner*Rachel Lampert *Jennifer Lim *John and Mary Lynn Miraglia*Susanne McNally
Robert Moss*A.J. Muhammad*Owiso Odera *Thomas B. Poole
Mirtha N. Quintanales*Kenny Rampton*Gena Rangel
Atiba Rodriguez*Howard & Susan Sabin
Nafeesa Shariff*Lisle & Mary Shelley*Jane Siford
*Daniella Topol *Margene Tuxill*Elizabeth Van Dyke
*Vera F. Wells - GE Foundation matching gift
Jacqueline Williams*The Wisor Family
Tyrone Henderson's Geneva High School Friends
Quick Silver Theater Company
is pleased to announce that we are a 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021,
2022, 2023 & 2024
recipient of the
NYSCA-A.R.T./New York
Creative Opportunity Fund
(A Statewide Theatre Regrant Program)
and a Leon Levy Foundation COVID Relief Fund Grant
Quick Silver Theater Company is pleased to announce that we are a 2020 recipient of the Dime Community Bank Fund for NYC Theatres grant, formerly the Nancy Quinn Fund. The Dime Community Bank Fund for NYC Theatres, is a program of the Alliance of Resident Theatres/New York (A.R.T./New York)
prismatic partners
Rich and Donna Blue
William Dean
Anthony Donohoe
Elizabeth Henderson
Gregory Kenney & Family
Rachel Leslie
Christine Schmidt
Regina Taylor
Bruce Tuxill
Chris Woodworth
quick silver friends
*Victoria Appatova*Barbara Chu
Bill and Jane Crumlish*Matthew Detmer*Susan DeVito
Brandon Dirden * Timothy Douglas *Faida Fuller
*Carol Herring *Makis Hodge
*John William Kenney*Carole Leslie
Ronald Leslie*Charles Parnell*Maya Quetzali Gonzalez
*Daniel Siford*Ron Simons
Dr. Kenneth & Mrs. Eva Steadman *Keith Randolph Smith
*Mary Williams
silver soulmates
Scott Atkinson
Mr. & Mrs. James & Mary Feeney
Shawn Judge
Crystal Fox
Tyrone Henderson
Nicholas P. Massa
Lizan Mitchell
Curtis Wiley
Nozomi Williams
membership supporters
Sergei Burbank
Karen Chilton
Ms. Lillian Collins
Tonya Pinkins
Joel and Midge Kerlan